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The official website of Shanghai Yihong Commercial Management Co., Ltd. is officially launched!!!

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  Shanghai Yihong Business Management Co., Ltd. is a business management institution focused on commercial real estate. It aims to provide high-quality, professional and comprehensive business asset value services for China's commercial real estate market.

  The business scope of land operation planning, project planning, investment agents, property management, business management, technology export promotion project planning, project financing, the successful completion of the whole country a number of real estate projects in the planning operation (built in the green, grey hair, etc.), we have a wealth of business management experience, constantly the integration of resources, efficient operation system to create a professional, standardized and full information;

   We will continue to adhere to the principle of "professionally guided and market oriented". We will strive to provide high quality and professional comprehensive value added services to China's commercial real estate market through scientific management and quality service.

Address: Caoan Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, 2688, 5th Floor Tel: 021 -59,133,555 E-mail:

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